A Question Of Lust: Depeche Mode’s Black Celebration Revisited

March, 4, 2011 / 0 comments

John Freeman looks back at the album which saw Martin Gore find his voice against a backdrop of inter-band tension. According to his family, Martin Gore was a shy, introverted child. But that was then….

Depeche Mode Shifts Into Mature Mode

April, 25, 2009 / 0 comments

The best pop music is a work in progress, as artists refine and reignite their core sounds and vision one album at a time. In that way, Depeche Mode is a tighter operation than ever,…

Telegraph UK Sounds Of The Universe Album Review

April, 9, 2009 / 0 comments

By Neil McCormick ~ Forget the sudden spate of reunions, if there is an Eighties revival under way it is because the real big guns are still firing, and still determined to be heard. Gauntlet-throwing…

Sneak Preview Of Depeche Mode’s ‘Sounds Of The Universe’

February, 9, 2009 / 0 comments

extrawack!’s Corey Vezina recently caught an advance listen of the new Depeche Mode album, ‘Sounds Of The Universe’…here’s his review: Surely, you think, it must be some sort of trick. More mathematical cum financial sleight…

First Impressions: Depeche Mode

February, 9, 2009 / 0 comments

First Impressions: – Grinding album opener, ‘In Chains’, is instantly grabbing with its tortured carousel machine music, and assures one that Gahan, Gore and Fletcher are back and have brought a lot to the table…