‘Selected Events’ 2010 New Dates In USA, Canada & South America

July, 15, 2010 / 0 comments

After the hugely enjoyable and successful jaunt around Europe, we are delighted to be able to confirm the first series of dates for the next leg of Recoil’s ‘Selected Events’ tour 2010. One or two more cities in South America are still to be added, and more North American/Canadian dates will follow shortly too.

Recoil recently played a show in Mexico City and if the response there is anything to go by, this upcoming leg of the tour is going to be a something special. Says Alan “The Mexicans didn’t disappoint, and I’ve been receiving innumerable requests from Argentinians, Chilians, Peruvians, Brazilians and many others in that part of the world for years now, pleading for a visit. I’m really flattered to be asked of course, and looking forward to it finally happening – I know we will have an incredible time in South America. Paul Kendall and I are planning a few changes to the live set with some new films as well.”

In North America and Canada, Recoil with be joined by Daniel Myer’s Architect as well as Conjure One for some dates – more details on guests to follow. We are also working on a special double bill in Chicago which should be announced very soon.

Now available – your very own Recoil iPhone App. And it’s free!

For the most portable way to keep in touch with all the latest news, including up to the minute updates to this new tour schedule, go to http://iphone.recoil.co.uk or search for ‘Recoil’ at iTunes App Store to download this multi media application dedicated purely to the project. Featuring bulletins, photos, video, audio links, feeds and more – it is intuitive, fun and something to show off to your mates…

The app is brand new and a version update will appear in the next few days. It also works well for iPad but, as yet, is not specifically designed for that device. The app was very kindly developed by Un.titled and we hope you will like it – let us know what you think. Any problems, questions or enquiries about the app should be addressed to: support@recoil.co.uk

‘A Strange Hour’ will be presented in the following cities in October and November:
Seattle, Portland, San Francisco, Los Angeles, Toronto, Baltimore, New York City, Santiago, Buenos Aires, Rosario, Cordoba, Lima, Bogota and Quito.

For all event info go to http://blog.recoil.co.uk/event

See you there! Stay tuned for more dates.

Source: Recoil