James Ford To Produce Depeche Mode’s 14th Studio Album

According to sources, British producer James Ford is currently working with Depeche Mode on their forthcoming album. Apart from being founding member of English electronic duo Simian Mobile Disco, James Ford is known of his studio work with Arctic Monkeys since 2006. Ford’s CV includes artists like Klaxons, Florence and the Machine, Mumford & Sons, and Little Boots just to name a few.
Once again Swiss musician Kurt Uenala, who worked with Dave on his compositions, seems to be involved with Depeche Mode’s 14th studio album. A recent Instagram picture shows Kurt alongside Martin Gore in the studio.
It sounds like failure. I do not know who the guys is and when you mention those bands and then “to name a few”, I do not know any of those bands. Depeche Mode died a long time ago, now is just an entertainment for the guys to make some money and to keep themselves busy but Depeche Mode is gone.
You know nothing Reinaldo Torres.
Reinaldo, speak for yourself! DM is & always will be great music with loyal fans. I for one, can’t wait to hear the new album! DM has always had great vision & music that hits the soul! Couldn’t be more excited to see what these guys have in store for us next!!
Kari P
Baltimore, MD
Pero qué dices, Reinaldo!!!!!!……..Cuando la gente no tiene ni puta idea de lo que dice,se aventura a ser arrogante y pretenciosamente experto…..
Vaya afirmaciones!!!!: “no conozco esos grupos….”, “DM Murieron hace tiempo…..” Siguen siendo una de las bandas más influyentes del panorama del sinth- rock actual, y como muchas otras que llevan más de treinta años tienen mejores y peores trabajos, aunque nunca ignorados……
……tal vez para ti, ignorante!!!!
Please, don’t take personal……
Reinaldo, You could of course click on the link and find out who this guy is.
I think Reinaldo is one of those ‘speak and spell’ fans who doesn’t advance with the times and evolution of bands/people, you can tell as he acknowledges the bands mentioned as a few to be unkown to him, and that’s fine, but that’s not who DM is, always maturing, evolving and offering new muical proposals. “He who diesis he who doesn’t move with the times”.
Depeche mode for many of us means challenge, glamour, difference, leather… SYNTHS… After violator Depeche mode transformed into a rock band, myself being a fan since 1987 i just can’t find that excitement that i used to ( and still ) find in their synth/goth/proto industrial records .. I live the band, but i think many of us grew along witj tjem and like in a marriage, we parted ways keeping the good memories.
Then why are you here?
Although there are a few albums which have some very weak tracks “playing the angel” and “Exciter” have a few! In general Depeche Mode are still capable of producing some excellent tracks! “The child inside” and “Happens all the time” being a perfect example. “Died years ago” Reinaldo ???
I look forward to the next instalment