Depeche Mode Nominated For Two Grammy Awards!

Depeche Mode have been nominated for two Grammy awards!
The first Grammy award is in the Best Alternative Music Album category for ‘Sounds Of The Universe’ and the second Grammy award is in the Best Short Form Music Video category for ‘Wrong’.
Three times in the past Depeche Mode received Grammy nominations. The first Grammy award nomination came in 1995 for ‘Devotional’ in the Best Long Form Music Video category. The second nomination came in 2002 for ‘I Feel Loved’ in the Best Dance Recording category. In December 2006, Depeche Mode were nominated a third time for a Grammy award in the Best Dance Recording category once again, for ‘Suffer Well’.
Field 5 – Alternative [Category 22]
Best Alternative Music Album (Vocal or Instrumental)
Everything That Happens Will Happen Today
David Byrne & Brian Eno
[Yep Roc Records]
The Open Door
Death Cab For Cutie
Sounds Of The Universe
Depeche Mode
Wolfgang Amadeus Phoenix
[Loyaute/Glassnote Records]
It’s Blitz!
Yeah Yeah Yeahs
[DGC Records/Interscope]
Field 29 – Music Video [Category 108]
Best Short Form Music Video (For an individual track or single promotional clip. Award to the Artist and to the Video Director/Producer.)
Mr. Hurricane
Ben Steiger Levine, video director; Sach Baylin-Stern, video producer
[Verve Forecast]
Boom Boom Pow
The Black Eyed Peas
Mat Cullen & Mark Kudsi, video directors; Anna Joseph & Patrick Nugent, video producers
[Interscope Records]
Life In Technicolor II
Dougal Wilson, video director; Matthew Fone, video producer
Depeche Mode
Patrick Daughters, video director; Jonathan Lia, video producer
Her Morning Elegance
Oren Lavie
[A Quarter Past Wonderful/Adrenaline]